Utilizing unique facilities and expertise to provide marine science education for the coastal future of Alaska
"Many people talk, but it gets exciting when the physical reality is right up front, whisking your breath away"
Our Alaska focus:
Alaska coastal science & sustainable resource education for the youth of Alaska - Capt. H. Tomingas, Dir.
The "Alaska Indigenous Horse" equestrian studies - National Equestrian Medalist & Alaskan Champion Alicia Hall, Dir.
Our Prime Projects:
MARINE: Begin the COI process on a real research ship, learn every step of the way to making an ocean vessel safe and certified
We need funding & materials, we already have a 110' Oceanographic Research Ship and support craft
Mostly, we need YOU and your friends!
HORSE: Utilize the 90 acre inland island (near the Alaska Wildlife Center)
Barn Raising Party: build stables, arena & access bridge (we need equipment, materials, labor)
invite Yukon Horse researchers to visit and lecture on the horse that created all other horses!
Horsemanship demonstrations and lessons
Wild Mustang project - they share the same DNA as the indigenous Alaska Horse known as the Yukon Horse
The ACA is offering a step forward for the youth of coastal communities with actual and practical marine science education through participation in real marine science projects. The Alaska Coastal Academy will help open the door for the indigenous, Alaska Coastland peoples to become our leaders toward the future with the expertise, critical contacts and experience to control their own destiny to the benefit of all.

Anyplace Wild television series "Searching for the Ancient Chugage" was hosted on one of Henry Tomingas' vessels, the Pacific Star (large vessel on left). John Johnson does an inspiring job of tracing his ancestors sites. Watch the whole episode at: https://vimeo.com/95685454